Gadgets for the Technophobes
Not everyone is technologically savvy, but it is on the rise and cannot be avoided. Here are some great ideas for gadgets for those who are a little adverse to modern technology.
The Roomba
The Roomba has to be the top of anyone’s must have gadget list. It takes very little effort to use making it ideal for anyone who struggles to get to grips with technical manuals and operating instructions. So, what is it? The Roomba is a robot vacuum cleaner that can map out your floor, so it never misses a spot. When the battery is running low, it knows to take itself back to its charging spot, so it really does look after itself. Clean floors with zero effort.
Tile Mate Tracker
Everyone loses their keys at one time or another and this tracker is helpful in finding those lost items. Attach it to the keyring or to a wallet – anything that would be a nightmare if lost and so by using your phone you can keep track of that items location. Whether it is left in the local shop or down the back of the couch, it is so much easier to find.