Essential Modern IT Technologies
All manner of information technologies and software are ubiquitous in the modern world, making a good argument for learning about them as much possible. Keeping in the loop with new technological developments or simply learning basic skills like programming can be immensely helpful in all facets of life. Whether that would include writing a Python script to automate a certain task hence saving time, or somebody looking to bugfix a particular software they own to improve its functionality.
There are countless skills and sub-fields in IT that an individual can learn. Hence it can often be a daunting task to navigate the vast amount of information available. So starting small is the best path a person can take. The first would include getting to know basic computer skills like familiarity with the OS system and its features, essential hardware parts of a PC, and proper use of mouse and keyboard to navigate the digital interface. As computers are no longer a rare sight and are present pretty much everywhere, this first step is not required by most people as they would already be familiar with the fundamental workings of a computer.
The second step involves things like getting familiar with the collection of important software at one’s disposal while using a PC. Microsoft’s Windows is the most widely used operating system globally, with Apple’s Mac OS and Linux somewhat behind. Since most people tend to start out their IT journey on a Windows machine, it’s best to learn about the essential MS Office software like Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc. They can lead to a massive increase in productivity and are often a necessity when dealing with school or work due to their widespread use. Other things, like browsing the internet and learning the basics of networking, can be helpful as everything tends to be online nowadays.
Up until this point, most individuals would be the consumer of a technical product and not necessarily a technical developer. Hence the next step can be characterised as intermediate IT skills and often has a higher degree of entry barrier. Regardless, it is possible to learn them at any age and from any background. The vast amount of free resources readily available on the internet also makes that process much easier. This step involves getting familiar with the more developer-side workings of a computer and learning about programming, databases, command line, etc.
Just like with any technology, there are many programming languages that a person can learn, but it is not necessary to know them all. Usually, one or two suffices, and the rest can be discovered on the spot as the need arises. The three most popular programming languages currently are Python, C, and Java. Python is the easiest of them while being the slowest to compute. C is a low-level language meaning it has fast computation time but lower readability. Java is widely used in enterprise solutions and one of the best languages to learn.